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Dr John WorldPeace JD Friend Me on Facebook - The WorldPeace Peace Page
This Websie was created on November 21, 2016, by Dr John WorldPeace JD for the purpose of IMPEACHING DONALD TRUMP from the office of President of the United States in the event the does not resign while serving as President Elect prior to being sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 2016.
President Obama has said, he will work against all the unAmerican policies and programs that Donald Trump attempts to delete, thwart or enact. President Obama is with me and the majority of American voters who by a margin of over ONE MILLION votes rejected Donald Trump as President of the United States and his Alt-Right, Isolationist, Racist agenda. Donald Trump does not have a mandate from the Americans who voted on November 8, 2016: Hillary Clinton does. Donald Trump is in office due to the unAmerican Electoral College that should have been repealed over a hundred years ago. In America, the majority rules. The Electoral College is a manipulation of the vote that allows the installation of a President who was not elected by the majority of voting Americans. This is clearly contrary to American Democracy and is a dark if not evil defect in American Law.
I am against virtually everthing that Donald Trump represents from the unlimited accumulation of wealth, a refusal to be charitable to relieve the suffering in the world and to promote uplifting programs, his racism, his focusing on Muslims as secondary citizens, his isolationism in the non-stoppable growing Globalism, his constant lies, his arrogance with regards to just about every one and every country in the world. His refusal to show his income taxes so that Americans can clearly see his bias toward his Empire and potentally contrary to American interests both local and globally. And much more that you can read about below.
My main website is I am an advocate for peace and WorldPeace (world peace needs to be written as one word so it is viewed as one thing, not two) but I am not a pacifist. I am not against everything Donald Trump is for. You will see that below.
I have degrees in Political Science, Accounting and Law from the University of Houston. I am a U S Army Veteran. I have been officially self-employed as a web designer since October 2003. I have pursued my art for over 5 years, Poetry for over 46 years, religious writing on all the major religions with more emphasis on Christianity all my life. I am a spiritual Christian not a religious one; meaning I attend church regularly but I am a member of no church. In fact, I am not a member of anything organization. I consider all membership as creating an Us v. Them mentality which is an impediment to WorldPeace. We must see each other first as human beings.
My signature statement is "How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all religions, all races, all nationalities, all gender designations and especially the equality of women) if we do not include everyone in our vision of peace? The answer is we cannot.
I do not have and will not ever set up a political (other than a political campaign) or religious organization. I do not solicit money. If you want to contribute to WorldPeace then buy my art, books, etc or employ me as a web designer and if you so desire pay me a bonus above what I charge. All money will go toward the advocacy of peace. I do not own a car or a home or more that $3000 in personal assets and not more than $1000 in business assets. The web design business is not one that requires more than a minimal investment in tangible assets. My business and my art and writings etc do have value no doubt but there has never been an evaluation of any of my creations.
I refuse to spend my life accumulating money for the sake of increasing my power and status in the world human society. My power and status comes from who I am and not what I own. My charity focus is primarily centered on creating jobs that allow people peace of mind and the ability to support their loved ones.
I have a significant web site at I probably live the most open life on the planet. Virtually nothing about me is hidden.

The foundation of peace in the world human society and the level of peace in the world human society is controlled by governments, the law and religions. All have reached their limit in significantly increasing the level of peace in the world. It is time for a break out.
I am qualified in politics with a political science degree and running for Governor of Texas in 2002 as a Democrat. I lost the primary in March 2002. I have studied politics all my life with a major interest in American Politics and much study regarding Nazi Germany looking for how sane people could be lead to insanity and undeniable evil.
I am qualified in the law with a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree and 20 years of practicing law in Houston, Texas.
I am qualified to speak about all the major religions of the world because as you can see from I have extensively self studies in all the major religions. I have always been a Christian. I am not a born again Christian. I believe in the red letter words of Jesus in the Bible as a foundation for my personal relationship with God. All the rest is just commentary (much of it edited for political power and control). I believe Jesus was resurrected. Something no other human being has accomplished. Therefore I am a spiritual Christian.
However, that being said, the law of the human race must remain secular. A democracy must embrace all religions. A secular democracy is defective when it makes any pronouncement that any race, religion, nationality or gender of human beings should be considered secondary citizens simply by being a member of a certain classification of human beings.
I believe criminals should be brought to justice and if their crimes are heinous, they can be executed. But the law is so corrupt in every government the death penalty is usually reserved for those without power or money.
You cannot execute an infinite immortal soul. You can only terminate a finite mortal body. And all that is happening with capital punishment is the shortening of a life before its time. In fact, all human bodies die.
Again if you want to know what I believe, read all I have published on my website.
I am not adverse to running for President of the United States as a Democrat or 3d party if that is necessary in my mind to prevent Donald Trump from having a second term in 2020. Right now the will of the American majority was a rejection of Donald Trump as President of the United States. We need to focus on the interim elections in 2018 and make the House and Senate Democratic to throttle back Donald Trumps unAmerican activities.
Dr John WorldPeace JD 161121
Commentary by By Dr John WorldPeace JD during the Presidental campaign of Donald Trump.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Commentary on the Trump Presidency Approximately 500 articles from November 2016 to Present
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Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary January 5, 2018 to January 25, 2018
Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary August 29, 2017 to January 4, 2018
Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary May 4, 2017 to August 29,2017
Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary January 1, 2017, 2017 to September 28, 2017
Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary November 13, 2016 to December 31, 2016
The All-inclusive Global Website of Dr John WorldPeace JD - The WorldPeace Peace Page (This website indexes over 8000 website pages)
Particular Dr John WorldPeace JD Websites - Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020 - Impeach President Trump USA - The Book of WorldPeace - King of Kings Lord of Lords
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(20 books have been published - 45 are in the process of being published through Amazon)
Dr John WorldPeace JD Anti Trump Commentary February 1, 2019 to February 28, 2019
twitter: read more... | FINALLY THE UN FINDS EVIDENCE OF THE NEO NAZI ZIONISTS MURDER AND MAYHEM OF PALESTINIANS IN THEIR CONCENTRATION CAMP IN GAZA Friends, I am The Independent Maverick Candidate for President 2020 and I have been shouting about the Zionist concentration camp in Gaza for 10 years. NO OTHER CANDIDATE for president has dared say a single word about this. They are complicit in the extermination of Palestinians by the Zionist in the Gaza concentration camp.
Now we are headed again to the UN for a vote soon on the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and the maintaining of a Concentration Death Camp in Gaza. We will see if the USA again supports the apartheid state of Zionist Israel, a nation-state of Jews for Jews, and enables the ongoing acts against humanity in Palestine with its veto power in the UN. And we are going to see if the sane and just and Christian world takes an even greater ownership of the Zionist genocide in Gaza and the rest of the Occupied Territories.
Don't look for any candidate for President in 2020 to stand up for American Democracy and Values. Don't look for any candidate to turn down Zionist campaign contributions. Don't look for any candidate to support the Boycott, Divestitures and Sanction movement against Israel.
I am The MAVERICK INDEPENDENT candidate for President in 2020. I am not owned or controlled by either the Democrats or Republicans. I am not owned by the Zionist lobby. I am the only Qualified Candidate for President in 2020. Judgment is coming to Israel between now and the 2020 Election. Coincidentally the dark soul Benjamin Netanyahu is headed for indictments today.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Probe finds 'reasonable grounds to believe' snipers intentionally shot at children, civilians during 2018 Gaza rallies.
This is a pictorial history of Dr John WorldPeace JD, Saying to live by, Quotes to be inspired by, images to contemplate.
twitter: read more... | HOUSE DEMOCRATS LAY DOWN THE LAW TO ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR AND TRUMPEE ZERO. Friends I think the writing is on the wall, the Democrats are out for Truth and blood if necessary. They are going to hold Trump accountable for every anti-American and every traitorous act of the last 25 months.
I said when Trump was running as the Republican nominee for President that if he took the job he would lose everything he had and that may include his freedom. I have repeated that over and over in my 500 posting since then and I am repeating it know. The Democrats have come together and they are going to make sure that Donald Trump becomes the poster boy for potential future corrupt presidents.
I believe the next two years are going to be about one and only one thing, and that is to get to the bottom of the Trump and Clan treachery and then to empty his pockets because he is a long time crook, liar, and worthless person.
Michael Cohen has three appointments this coming week on Capital Hill. The House is in no mood to play games. A payback message is going to be sent to Mitch MoConnell that there the cost of being a traitor to American Democracy and it is going to be higher than he could have ever imagined. The smart Republicans had better begin to exit the Trump ship.
All those who ever did business with Trump are now in jeopardy. I expect that the Secret Service knows that the danger to Trump has just gone ballistic. Trump looked untouchable. He does not look that way now. His house of cards is doomed.
I have total confidence that the House Democrats are geared up for total war on Trump and clan. I believe they have now sent a message to the Republicans in the House and Senate and all those serving Trump in the White House that hell is coming. And it should come. Trump and the Republicans tried to pull off a coup. They were idiots to make Trump their mascot and then their demigod.
The citizens spoke in November last year. The majority spoke. Not the minority that is Trump base but the majority who voted against him in 2016 and voted against him again in 2018 and will put an end to Trumpism in 2020 if not before.
Trump is too exposed to resign. If he resigns all his friends cannot be pardoned and his children will be out in the streets. If the Congress tracks money launderng to Trump it will track to his kids. Then they all lose everything.
The hell that Trump politics has created in America, the reduced status Trump has created for America in the world, the attempt to turn America away from the reality of globalism back to isolationism, the racism, the divisiveness are all going to demand justice. And justice will be served up Democrat style.
The Democrats are of one mind now. They have locked arms and they are going to use their investigative power to bring the Trump darkness into the light.
God bless America
Dr John WorldPeace JD
“We are going to get to the bottom of this,” Schiff said Sunday.
twitter: read more... | THE CATHOLIC CHURCH CONTINUES TO DENY SEXUAL ABUSE AND CONTINUES TO ENABLE IT. The truth is that the Catholic priesthood needs to be subject to the secular law of the jurisdiction in which it operates. Victims need to be encouraged to go to the secular police and the priesthood and Catholic bureaucracy need to be subject to the secular criminal and civil law. This abomination has gone on for centuries if not over a millennium. The Catholic Church is basically a men's organization. Their fear at this time is that the criminal and civil law could break the back of the Catholic Church financially. That is really all that is being discussed within the Catholic bureaucracy at this conference. It is a joke. Only a very stupid person would believe that the gays and pedophiles in the Catholic Church are not well know to their colleagues. The biggest issue right now has to do with pedophilia with regards to young boys. It is just a matter of time before the sexually abused and raped nuns will have their world opened to the public. There is no drive stronger in the human population than the sexual drives. It cannot be fully controlled in the secular world. Women are second class citizens the world over. There is little justice for raped and sexually abused women in American society. There are two Supreme Court justices who will be forever held suspect for sexual crimes against women. Clarence Thomas and Bret Cavanaugh. Two out of nine justices.
My solution is to take down the right of secrecy of the Catholic Church with regards to recognized sexual crimes in secular society. Even now, right now, some young boy in the world is being raped by some priest, bishop or cardinal. Probably some nun being raped.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Germany's Reinhard Marx says church must redefine confidentiality or face charges of cover-up.
First, I have been promoting the idea of an acknowledgment by the President that the United States of the sponsorship of slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans. I publically took this position when I changed my name in 1988 to WorldPeace, and when I ran for governor of Texas in 2000-2002, and two years ago when I declared my candidacy for President as The Independent Maverick Candidate. So you could say these women are following my agenda.
Kamala Harris is a prime example that discrimination against Black did not keep her down. There are many many successful Blacks in America and what do they do to mentor other Blacks. Not much. Further, there is no way to tie any living Black person's present condition back to any specific act of slavery against their ancestors. So reparations are stupid. It really just amounts to buying votes.
Now Pocahontas is really a kick in the pants. She is promoting reparations for Blacks but has turned her back on genocide of Native Americans. Until Trump named her Pocahontas she was proud to be a Native American but when it came to speaking out against Native American Genocide she has been silent. Even now she promotes Blacks and speaks not a word for reparations for Native Americans. And tell me truthfully, which is worse, the enslavement of the Blacks or the genocide of Native Americans.
Kamala Harris as a prosecutor built a career on the very successful prosecution of those Blacks who were not allowed to plead slavery as a defense. The whole Harris reparations is a joke. A sick joke.
These women do not have the qualifications I have for President. Not even close. We need more women to run for office. But hypocritical unqualified for the office they are seeking women is just a novelty.
I have a long history on the issue of acknowledging Slavery and Genocide by a Christian nation. Over 30 documented years of it as a WorldPeace advocate. These women just got on board.
These women are jumping to the tune of the media hype. Like Fox with Donald Trump, the media is dictating their political agenda. I dislike hypocrites and opportunists of every gender. Actually I have contempt.
The 2020 election for President is going to be about qualifications not the same old ridiculous buying of insincere ads to indirectly buy the best politician money can buy.
These women are awaking other women to get off their backsides and make the political bodies in the United States 50/50 male and female and in so doing make women first class citizens in the United States. But if any woman thinks she can ride the MeToo# movement into the White House, she is delusional. Above are two examples.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Two leading Democratic presidential candidates -- U.S. Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts -- have reportedly said they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery, reflecting a shift in the importance of race and identity issues within the party.
Vice President Joe Biden will decide not to run for President 2020 because he is worn out and time with family is better than being President.
Bernie Sanders needs a Hillary to play off against. None is available this election cycle. Bernie has younger Democrats to take his issues to the voters. The corrupt Democratic Party is going to push him out because he will not declare himself a Democrat and not an Independent. Same reason 2016.
Elizabeth Warren is a dead fish. No personality. No Glitz. No infectious energy. And TRUMPEE ZERO has permanently branded her POCAHONTAS. No Presidency for her
Corey Booker. This guy will stay in the mix maybe all the way to the convention. But America tried a Black Obama. And it did not work. Corey cannot be the first Black president. He is in the race for the women and the stardom. A very weak Trump. He would do best as VP if he can get the job. Probably Not.
The Media is attacking Kamala Harris. It is not that obvious yet but they do not like her. She is a vicious person. Way too arrogant. Too many years as a prosecutor. A leopard cannot change its spots. She is finished. A dead in the water Candidate. She will get the position of Leader of the Black Women’s movement after the election.
Kirsten Gillibrand cut her own throat when she said she would play out being Senator. Liar Liar. All she cared about was running for President. Overcoming the bad taste America has for the present LIAR IN CHIEF, a short blond clone will just not work.
Amy Klobuchar. Yes, she is hard to work for. A tyrant but will probably seen as a good hardworking user-friendly President. I think she will stay in the mix until the convention. She will have to fight Corey for the VP also-ran job.
At some point, I, Dr John WorldPeace JD, will be noticed. I have a lot to write on my massive web site As much as is already there (8000 pages) I will get attention because I am The Maverick Independent Candidate who is also more qualified than any other politician Red or Blue.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
World Peace Peace Page | Dr John WorldPeace JD | DR John WorldPeace…
twitter: read more.. | KAMALA HARRIS IS A TYPICAL PROSECUTOR ON STEROIDS. Friends Kamala Harris is definitely too aggressive and arrogant to be president. We have already heard about how she had an alleged affair with Willie Brown a former Mayor of San Francisco and that affair helped launch Kamala's career. And she admitted that she smoked pot when that was illegal. Now she runs her mouth about an event that first appeared in the media. All news is not Fake News but a smart person holds back judgment on anything he or she reads. This woman is too much like Donald Trump believing she is above the law. Let me assure you of this fact, you don't climb the prosecutor ladder without a high percentage of convictions. And a high percentage of convictions means a lot of people get railroaded in the criminal courts. The Judge and the prosecutor and the appointed attorneys for the defendants have relationships that are about moving cases through a backlogged legal system. It is a dirty business. You can expect that prosecutors are racking up significant negative acts that is going to come back to haunt them post-death. No way I would do that work. There are three impediments to increasing the peace in the world human society: Governments, Religions and the Court Systems worldwide. I advocate that anyone who runs for president needs to have a law degree and a familiarity with the law. Being President is about nothing but the law. And most lawyers are corrupt as are all judges. But there are certain classes of lawyers that do not belong in the White House. One such class is prosecutors. The vicious streak in this woman will become more and more obvious during the primary. You can quote me on that.
'So I will say this about that case. I think the facts are still unfolding and I'm very concerned'
twitter: read more ... | BERNIE SANDERS JOINS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT 190219 Friends Bernie looks like the best Presidential candidate but he missed his window in 2016. The Democratic Party beat him down because Hillary had more power within the party. I doubt that Bernie could have beat Trump under the circumstances. The election was manipulated and it was focused on the Electoral College. Behind the scenes, a Russian - Wikileaks plan to win was put in place and the plan worked. Trump got the minority vote but won in the Electoral College. No matter how much I have said this and written about it, there seems to be no enthusiasm to end the Electoral College. Both parties see a long history of using it to manipulate the election. It keeps the rich in power. Democrat or Republican. It denies a voice for the average person, the 75% base of the social pyramid, a one person one vote reality.
That being said, Bernie got a lot of support against an anybody but Hillary mindset from a significant number of Democrats. This go round, in this Democratic Primary there is no evil Hillary for Bernie to challenge. LIke a lot of other populists, he brings in the new ideas, gets enough credibility that many of those ideas are absorbed by the main party. Bernie was the was the man of ideas but it is AOC who is the woman of action as Eric Hoffer would say. Sadly, I see AOC has made too big of a target of herself and she is going to suffer some serious pushback.
Socialism is not going to sell in America. Elect a few pure socialist but they will never hold anything but a minority position. I am for Universal Health Care, I am for equal rights for women, I am for free college and university education in state institutions, I am for a higher tax for the rich and for a bigger estate taxes. But without the investment from the rich, the number of jobs are going to dwindle. Capitalism works. Socialism, Communism do not work. The innate predatory DNA of human beings is not in sync with a utopian society where unjustified entitlements are the norm.
All these Democrats in power are those who have for the most part worked hard. They have achieved an education. They have had support of their families. They have worked hard. They know the truth. The truth is that those opportunities are there for every one of average intelligence with an above average amount of drive and determination.
For me a capitalistic Democracy is the only thing that will work. A Democracy where the average person is not made into an economic slave by the rich be they Democrats or Republicans. There must be free education. There must be free healthcare. But the path to success in life required hard work and determination on an individual basis.
My best example relates to child welfare or entitlements. If the mother does not identify the father of the child, then she gets no entitlements. If the father is identified, then the state can pay out whatever entitlements it wants because it can recoup that money from the father.
Another example. I absolutely believe in education. With education the average person has less of a chance of becoming a victim of the rich, the government, their religion. So a second example is that no entitlements for those without a high school education or a GED. People without a high school education are generally never going to climb out of their second class citizenship. The are bottomless pits for which no level of entitlements will be enough.
Third example. Free birth control. The biggest scourge on societies globally are Christians demanding "no free birth control" because it promotes too much sex. This is stupid and ignorant and a burden on society as a whole. I feel fine not supporting childless adults. Stop illegal immigration and there are plenty of jobs for adults who do not have to support children and who have refused to educate themselves.
These Democrats are all singing the same old guilt-ridden true socialist slogan of take care of the poor. Take the burden off adults with free birth control. Give recoupable entitlements to women who identify the father of their children. Refuse entitlement to those who refuse to get a high school education. That message cuts out 90% of the socialist agenda.
I am The Maverick Independent candidate for president USA 2020. I am not going to tout 100% of the Democratic or Republican agenda. As with most things in life the solution lays on the middle ground.
Donald Trump is an enemy of democracy. He is a traitor to America. He is a crook. He is a liar who constantly talks out of his wooden head. He is a rabble-rouser. He is a worthless person. He is the President of the greedy rich and the undeducated ignorant.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
FUND me through my site.
Mr. Sanders, the runner-up in the 2016 Democratic primaries, is embarking on a bid that will test whether he can retain the anti-establishment appeal he enjoyed with liberals three years ago.
twitter: read more ... THE END OF NETANYAHU AND THE ZIONISTS AND THE AWAKENING OF AMERICA'S EVANGELICAL AND FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS AND REJECTION OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION The Book of Revelation is a pile of convoluted fantasy crazy gobbledegook. It is supported by huckster false preachers like John Hagge from San Antonio, Texas, who makes a lot of money selling the Book of Revelation Explanation and the The Coming of Jesus who will come out of the sky and take all the faithful Christians of to a New Jerusalem of perfect peace that can only come into existence if Jesus once arriving in the New Jerusalem turns every one of the forever saved into white marble for eternity. Only the lack of interaction between human beings will create a perfect peace. This Christian fantasy is the same one that all the Jews believed 2000 years ago. That the Messiah would come out of the sky with an army of angels who would destroy the Romans and establish a forever after New Jerusalem consisting of only Christians. All others go to Hell. But Jesus came with a message of peace for which he was crucified. It seems a lot of Christians did not get that memo.
Here is the reality. Jesus died and descended into hell for three days and rose from the dead in a new body and showed himself to the disciples and about 500 others per the Acts of the Apostles. That was the Second Coming.
Jesus said: "Lo I am with you always" and "where two or more are gathered in my name I will be present." In short, after his resurrection, Jesus never left. My proof is that every Sunday in churches all over America they acknowledge that Jesus is present. Not a single Christian will stand up and say Jesus is not present but he will be back someday. Jesus cannot return if he never left. That is the reality of true modern day Christianity.
Further, Jesus clearly said that no one knows about the end times but God. Not the angels, not Jesus. Only God. But then in about 100 CE John the Apostle was exiled on the Isle of Patmos and his disciple, John the Elder probably wrote the Book of Revelation that revealed the mind of God. He revealed what Jesus said even he did not know. The writer does not identify himself as the Apostle John, one of the original 12 Apostles.
In truth, no one knows who actually wrote the Book of Revelation and the intro to the Book of Revelation by the Catholics 1600 years ago said no one knows who wrote the book. But one thing just about everyone agrees on is that Jesus did not speak it or write it.
The writer attributes the messages to the seven churches at the first of the Book of Revelation to Jesus. This is a message that no one heard but the writer of Revelation. In the Four Gospels, the words of a physical Jesus were heard by all the disciples and thousands of others who gathered to hear Jesus teach. But in the Book of Revelation, no one was there to hear the alleged words of Jesus or see the vision of Jesus but the writer.
Further, all the parables that Jesus spoke before the crucifixion were clearly explained to the disciples. The Book of Revelation has never been clearly explained by Jesus. The Gobbledegook vision has never been explained. There have been hundreds of books written about The Book of Revelation. Everyone who wants to make a few bucks writes an explanation of the abstract symbols and visions and such in the Book of Revelation. To date, nothing in the Book of Revelation has been shown to be true.
Now here is a very interesting thing. Those who have written about the Book of Revelation have made one thing absolutely clear. That the false prophet, the beast, with be known by the number 666. Well friends, there presently is a highly placed person in the Trump administration who is known by the number 666. And that person is Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump whose flagship real estate organization is listed as 666 5th Avenue, New York. Allegedly the property was sold in August 2018, but the details of the actual deal is a secret. Within the next two years, I am sure the Democrats will get to the bottom of the 666 Kushner deal. Undeniable he tried to use his access to Trump to refinance the 666 5th Avenue property.
Now guess what. Not a single solitary one of the many authors of an explanation of the Book of Revelation has stood up and verified that the Beast, the False Prophet is Jared Kushner or has explained why Jared Kushner is not the 666 Beast of Revelation. The silence on this issue is deafening. Whatever the financial deal on 666 5th Avenue is, the fact remains that Kushner is associated with that property. and that number is clearly the number the Book of Revelation explainers have been talking about big time since Israel became a nation in 1948 and moreso the book "The Late Great Planet Earth" was published by Hal Lindsey in the 1970's creating a Book of Revelation frenzy that makes the false preachers a whole lot of money.
Jesus was expected to show up in 2000 (Y2K) and then in December 2012: it did not happen. I feel that if Jesus does not show up in the next 2 years, all the foolish people who believed all the greedy Book of Revelation explainers will be ignored and I guess we will have to hang around to the year 3000 to see what happens. There was a lot of fear and anticipation in the year 1000 too.
The Fundamentalist and Evangelicals want the Jews to take over Palestine, the Temple Mount, and build the 3rd Temple of Solomon, which the Book of Revelation says must happen before Jesus returns.
When the Fundamentalist and the Evangelicals give up on the Second Coming, a huge portion of Trump's base will collapse and that will be the end of him.
So the above article which predicts that Netanyahu holds the fate of Isreal is wrong. The fate of Israel is held by the Fundamentalist and the Evangelicals in America. When that group of misled Christians come to understand they have been manipulated by false preachers since 1948 when Isreal was established, as being the beginning of the countdown to The Second Coming, then the support for Israel will collapse without Netanyahu and the glory days of Isreal will be forever extinguished.
Let me turn your attention to one other factor with regards to the Book of Revelation that is truth as opposed to the fantasy of the Book of Revelation.
The core of Jesus' teaching beyond love one another was an ongoing prophecy about the future.
Jesus taught: "Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. Matt 7:7 If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain move and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Luke 17: 6 And if you believe in me you will do the works I do and greater works will you do.John 14: 12-14"
What this means that as to the future, humanity will write that script. And whatever script the world human society writes for the future will manifest as the future.
The Fundamentalist and Evangelicals are projecting a doom and gloom message for the future. It is a sick projection. Soon the majority of Christians will wake up to this realization and at that time completely reject that doom and gloom future and become free to craft a more sane and just and more loving world human society.
At that time the apartheid state of Israel that has spent the last 70 years ethnically cleansing Palestine of Palestinians and forcing those people into 58 refugee camps in the Middle East and the maintaining of a concentration camp for another 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, and the illegal annexing of the occupied territories of Palestine will once and for all terminate.
So the truth is that if Jesus does not return in the next two years, Isreal will collapse under the BDS as the world reacts to 70 years of murderous Zionist anti-Semitism they have enforced on the Palestinians.
Coincidentally, this is going to take place at the time of the November 2020 elections in the United States for President and seats in the Senate and House of Representatives. Out will go the Republicans and The Book of Revelations and the Evangelical and Fundamental Christian Fog and the beginning of a liberal New World Order that will actually rapidly transform the world human society.
The Democrats are on a fast track to implode the reality of Donald Trump and probably place him either in jail are on the sidewalks of New York city selling pencils from a tin cup to keep himself supplied with hamburgers and fries and vanilla shakes.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
The Israeli prime minister has openly embraced the Republican Party and has helped create a partisan divide in the U.S.
Friends there are two genders, male and female. If you have a sex change you become a male or female. I have heard of no cases where someone becoming asexual, meaning not male or female. Yes, there are those who are born with both male and female genitals. But their parents or their doctor chose to make them one or the other. The Third Millennium mindset is that these children should be able to choose for themselves what they want to be at some point in the future. Their bodies are their bodies and no one else should make gender choices for them.
As an ex-attorney, I can see all kinds of problems and benefits from a designation X for gender. But there has been no significant compilation of data and opinions from experts and those who have changed their sex or were born with both genders.
One negative aspect that comes to mind is Nazi Germany who determined to murder those who were not normal. Mentally ill or gay, old, etc. It will be real easy to round up everyone who identified themselves as Gender X. Maybe it is best just to check Male or Female.
This discussion is far to new to come to any conclusions. I am not against such a designation. But I am not sure enough information is available to feel comfortable with Gender X legislation on the matter.
As far as Kirsten Gillibrand goes, she is an opportunist. When she ran for the Senate she said she would serve out her term. Within months after being elected she changed her mind. Maybe she knew all along she was not going to serve her term of office. I don't know. But her actions remind me of the Liar in Chief Donald Trump.
She is also the woman who harassed Al Frankin to resign his Senate seat. Senator Franken was a strong smart democrat; an in your face Anti-Trumpee Democrat. But Senator Gillibrand has not harassed Donald Trump for his sexual abuse to resign. So she seems to have a double standard. That being that those with more power than she has are to be left alone and those will equal or less perceived power are to be harassed.
I don't respect this woman. She is Trump Lite. And for me any hint of Trump, any stink of Trump on any candidate turns me off.
I want to repeat. I want to make clear what I have said in other videos. I am Teh Independent Maverick candidate for President. I am not a Democrat or Republican. No one controls me. And without any controls, I will be working to terminate Senator Gillibrand's candidacy for President. First off she is not as qualified as I am for the Presidency. Second she has the stink of Trumpee Zero all over her.
I have a special website for every candidate who I am challenging for the Presidency that I am developing. Hers is at
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) reportedly said she would support for federal recognition of a third gender Friday at a campaign event in New Hampshire.
Friends I am not like any other candidate running for president in 2020. I am more than just a candidate for president. I am an Advocate for WorldPeace and have officially been such since I changed my name to WorldPeace on Good Friday 1988. I am also a follower of Jesus but not a member of any Christian church and I am the Advocate for Jesus Christ. I believe that American Democracy must be in line with certain teachings of Jesus. But not every teaching of Jesus applies to American Secular Democracy. I am not a radical Christian. As a candidate for President, I will state the words of Jesus that I believe apply to American Democracy. If I have not specifically connected a teaching of Jesus with American Democracy do not say that I have. You can quote what I have said and what I have written but you cannot legitimately quote what you believe I am thinking.
All the other candidates for president are no different than all candidates for President since the founding of the United States of America. That is, they are willing to subordinate American Democracy and values to those who would pay them to sell out American Democracy. I am The Independent Maverick Candidate for President who is not controlled by Democrats or Republicans and not influenced by campaign contribution from large donors. I am 70 year old and have lived a minimalist life for many years now without significant assets and I have no intension of relinquishing that live style.
All other candidates who are running for President in 2020 are just watered-down versions of Donald Trump.
With that in mind, consider the following.
Within Democracy is the transferring of ownership of many acts of government away from God and vested in the voting citizens.
This is a reality that no Christian preacher has ever addressed. It is a truth that turns much of Christian political action upside down.
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matt 25: 41-45
These are the red letter words of Jesus in the Bible. There are no exceptions. Jesus never modified these verses or withdrew them.
In fact, Jesus cemented these works into the foundation of Christianity with:
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13: 34
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10: 25-37
Jesus with this parable makes it clear that the word neighbor is not restricted by race, nationality, religion or gender.
Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. One of his first acts was to begin to destroy and undermine Obamacare. Obamacare was a law the purpose of which was to provide universal health care to all Americans. Donald Trump and the Republicans did everything they could to dismantle Obamacare and consequently caused and continue to cause great pain and suffering for millions of Americans.
The pain and suffering to the sick and dying who have no access to health care caused by Donald Trump and the Republicans who supported him on this issue is owned by ALL AMERICANS. All Americans agree that under American Democracy the majority rules on virtually every vote. (The Electoral College is an exception to “the majority rules”)
Per the teaching of Jesus, every Christian American is held accountable for every untreated sick and dying person in America: no exceptions.
Refusing to provide health care for the sick and dying who reside in America or who are visiting America is an undeniable abomination to Jesus based on his statement that those who refused to help the sick resulted in condemnation to Hell. No exceptions.
It is also an abomination to Jesus to refuse to feed and clothe the homeless. There are many ways to make this happen. The Christian Churches are absolutely charged to feed and clothe the homeless. American Democracy is also charged to do the same as the lack of laws to feed and clothe the homeless are a negative choice made by the American Electorate.
3) Refusing to provide birth control in the 21st Millennium and subsequently refusing to provide welfare entitlements for these unwanted children is also an abomination to Jesus. Jesus never spoke about birth control. There are no red letter words of Jesus on the subject of birth control. The burden of the voters in Democratic governments is the burden of ownership of these anti-Christian policies of the government.
Believing in Jesus as a personal savior is not enough to be saved. The truth is that talk is cheap. You are not saved if you do not follow the teachings of Jesus. Thinking that you are saved and then acting like someone who is not saved by ignoring the teachings of Jesus is pure nonsense. Being saved is a heavy burden. It is one that demands a 24/7 determination to follow the teachings of Jesus.
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matt 7: 13-14
Those without sin.
7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8: 7
True and False Disciples
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Matt 7: 21-23
Friends it is time to stop the policies of Donald Trump and to align American Democracy with the teachings of Jesus. It is time to make America a more sane and just democracy.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
twitter: read more... WHEN TRUMP IS BACKED INTO A CORNER, HE CREATES CHAOS. Friends we have to understand that Trump is the worst president ever. He is totally lost. He thought he was elected dictator. He never understood he was the minority President. He never understood that even though he could get elected by manipulating the Electoral College, he was not going to be able to rule for long with the majority of citizens opposed to his policies. Trump has continued to act for the benefit of the minority of Americans. His stupid wall is just another example of his politics of majoring in the desires of the minority. That policy has even reduced his minority. He has made no efforts to increase his base. Who knows how that could be done anyway. His declaring an emergency to get his wall should go immediately to the courts and shut down any money moving to pay for the wall. So what is really going on here? I think what just happened was the last major play by TRUMPEE ZERO. Nothing much will get done for the next two years. Trump is going to spend most of his time dealing with investigations and ongoing lawsuits. The news today indicates that his great business with him in command is dead in the water with his corrupt little boys running the show. Who knows what comes next. We all just have to wait until his term expires. Word is the great Middle East Peace Plan will be unveiled by 666 Jared Kushner (The Beast of Revelation) in March after the Zionists elections. The Great White Hope of the fascist Republicans ran out of gas in two years. Actually, the majority of Americans emptied Trumps gas tanks last November. He did not accomplish much in his first two years. He will accomplish nothing much in the next two years. All indications are that the economy is about to go south. Russia, Syria, Iran and Turkey are forming a ruling block in the Middle East. Can't wait to see what is going to happen there. Enough is enough. There are no Republicans that are going to keep him from the nomination if he chooses to run. Right now the Democrats have nothing to offer to challenge him. I doubt Biden will run. He is used up. No heart for any more politics. Bernie will not have a Hillary to play off of. The six major candidates are all Senators. So just more of the same old politicians. I feel pretty certain that Trump at this point could beat any Democrat running for President. And then there is my Independent Maverick Candidacy for President. Stay tuned.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
To justify redirecting federal funds to a wall, the president made a litany of assertions about crime, drugs and other issues on the southern border. Nearly all were misleading, exaggerated or false.
Democrat Bureaucracy reigns in Rep. Ilhan Omar over the Zionist lobbyist in fact giving money to politicians who support a pro-apartheid state of Zionist Israel. Sad that Rep. Omar is so weak.
I am running for President as the Independent Maverick candidate. When I ran for governor of Texas as a Democrat in 2002 I was given a significant lesson in Democrat Party politics.
In the present campaign for President I am running independent of PAC and Party and large donors. You see how the Democratic Party reigned in Rep. Omar I am not subject to their corrupt ways. In this case of acting like Zionist Israel is anything more than a rogue nation and in many cases the Zionist tail wagging the American Eagle dog.
I posted the following this morning. It is still true this afternoon. ||
The time has come, and I have been banging this drum for decades, that the Zionists have appropriated the term Anti-Semitism to apply to Anti-Zionism..
The Palestinians are a Semitic people just like the Jews. They are both children of Abraham. The Palestinians are the progeny of Ismael, the first born son of Abraham by Hagar. The Jews are the progeny of Isaac, the second born son of Abraham by Sarah. Jews and Muslims are religions with a Semitic base.
NOTE: I am anti-KK but not anti-American Southerners, I am anti-Nazis and Neo Nazis but not anti-Germans, I am anti-ISIS and Taliban and Hezbolla but not anti-Muslims, I am anti-Zionists but not Anti-Jews. All the above are radical right wing terrorists which I oppose.
1) Zionist Israel is an Apartheid state of Jews for the Jews. Only Jews are first class citizens in Israel. All others are second class citizens. Israel is not an example of American Democracy.
2) The Zionist have been ethnically cleansing from Palestine the Palestinians for 70 years. There are over 50 Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East housing millions of ethnically cleansed Palestinians out of Palestine.
3) The Zionists maintain a Nazi-like concentration camp for Palestinians in Gaza. This is undeniable.
4) The Zionists are exterminating the Palestinians in Gaza. What do you call murdering people throwing rocks against Zionists with high powered sniper rifles, not to mention Zionist bombs and rockets.
5) The United States and the UN have denied the Palestinians a nation in violation of Article 15 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Every human being is guaranteed a nation. The Palestinians represent a 70 years denial of that right.
6) After the Jewish Religious Bureaucrats crucified Jesus, the vale in front of the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem was rent in two as a sign that God had abandoned Israel.
7) 40 years later, in 72 CE God appointed the Romans to raze the Temple of Solomon and disburse the Jews out of Israel.
8) in the 6th Century God raised up Mohammed and the Muslim religion and gave Israel to them. Other than a brief period for 100 years around 1200 CE the Muslims have been in control of what is now Israel.
9) God allowed the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque to be built on the Temple Mount in place of Solomon's Temple.
10) In the 20th Century God allowed the Nazis to exterminate over 6 million Jews.
11) Jesus was born a Jew, raised a Jew, schooled as a Jew, was crucified as a Jew. The Christian Jews were the first Christians now known as simply Christians. The Chosen People of God are Christians through the legacy of Jesus Christ. Judaism is nothing more than a remnant cult of ancient Judaism.
12) Zionist Israel and their actions against the Palestinians is an affront to American Democracy and Values. America cannot support an Apartheid Nation of Zionists.
13) Israel was established by Harry Truman against the factual actions of God who undeniably has favored the Muslims and Christians over the Jews for 2000 years.
14) God promised Sarah and Hagar their sons would have progeny without number. Today the Christians and Muslims are faiths of close to 2 billion each. The Jews number 15 million. Let those who have eyes see.
15) The global Boycot, Divestiture, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and the Zionist is a just and righteous movement and cause.
16) The Zionist lobby in America is significant. Not a single Democratic candidate for president in 2020 will say a word against the Zionists.
17) I am The Independent Maverick Candidate for President 2020 and my position on Zionist Isreal is above. I am not owned by any political party or any large donor or any PAC and never will be.
18) The Zionists issue is going to be front and center in the 2020 Presidential election.
19) My truth on this matter is aligned with Representative Omar's position on the Palestinians.
20) The Zionists are the modern day Cain aligned against the Palestinians, the modern day Abel. Christians read you Bible. I Dr John WorldPeace JD am a Christian.
Dr John WorldPeace JD 190211
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., apologized Monday for comments in which she implied that a prominent pro-Israel lobby compensated lawmakers for their support of the Jewish state, but insisted on what she called "the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics."
twitter: read more ... VIRGINIA GOVERNOR NORTHAM WEARING BLACKFACE AND KIM KARDASHIAN WEARING WHITE FACE. Friends let me be absolutely clear that Black Face is not appropriate ever. But that is not the way things were 50 years ago. I lived in the South and as wrong as it was among other more extreme things like Black lynchings those were different times. I wonder how many politicians and others in high places have lately been searching out any evidence of their Black Face or other similar acts for which there is no tolerance now.
But here is my question. What about Kim Kardashian wearing White Face and in fact white body makeup. What is the reality of that? The reality is that looking too black is going to potentially cut into her income. Being too Black will reduce her following. There are plenty of white folks that have no idea that she has any black genes. Photos that go public for Kim and her sisters are carefully screened on this issue.
And here is the bigger question, what is Kim saying to Black women and girls. One of the richest women in America tries to cover up her Black genes.
Let's go to the extreme. Should Kim Kardashian be boycotted because she is trying to "pass for White". (This is the old phrase from the old South)
I think Governor Northam should resign. But before he does I think the whole issue of Black Face and White Face needs to be thoroughly aired. Why is White Face OK for Kim Kardashian and Black Face is not OK for Governor Northam. Governor Northam in the past wore Black Face to send a message about the inferiority of Blacks. I am not sure what the Political message of Kim Kardashian is wearing White Face. I know the economic message is: More Money More Money. And why not ask about Michael Jackson?
Tell me why are Black's who are so enraged about Governor Northam are not enraged about Michael Jackson and Kim Kardashian distancing themselves from being Black???
Governor Northam should resign. And then we need a statement from Kim Kardashian and from the Black community about Michael Jackson with regards to Blacks posing as White.
Let's get this aspect of race out on the table with the other racial issues. Now is a great time. We have Senator Corey Booker and Senator Kamala Harris who are both Black. But my bet is they are not going to touch the Kim Kardashian White Face issue. And that refusal to comment is a reason they should neither one be running for President.
The Black Face issue is not so Black and White IS IT Folks???
Dr John WorldPeace JD The Maverick Independent Candidate for President USA 2020 190202
Northam said Friday night he is "deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo"